December 2006 – Infographics for 'The 6th Annual in Ideas' in The New York Times Magazine, New York (US).
November 2006 – 'Werken aan de naoorlogse stad' by Endry van Velzen and Willemijn Lofvers, a book about a research fellowship between 2002 and 2006.
November 2006 – Visual identity for Bureau Lofvers, Rotterdam (NL).

transurban poster
September 2006 – Poster for the book 'Werken aan de naoorlogse stad' by Endry van Velzen and Willemijn Lofvers about a research fellowship between 2002 and 2006.


The Immigration Equation
August 2006 – Chart for the first issue of Key, the New York Times Real Estate Magazine about the influence of immigrants on the american housing market.

waterrocket 02

waterrocket 01

van Bergen Kolpa Architecten website
July 2006 – Website for van Bergen Kolpa Architects, Rotterdam (NL). In collaboration with Lutz Issler (web development) , Niels van der Sluijs (html) .

transurban font
June 2006 – Typeface design based on a standard plotter font. In collaboration with Thijs Gadiot .

Liesbeth Doornbosch
June 2006 – Portfolio website for artist Liesbeth Doornbosch. In collaboration with Lutz Issler (programming) , Thijs Gadiot (intern) .

May 2006 – Poster for the final exhibition of the preparatory year of the Architecture department of ArtEZ, Arnhem (NL). Final result of an introductional course in graphic design for architecure students.
May 2006 – Visual identity for van Bergen Kolpa Architects, Rotterdam (NL).

company logo
April 2006 – implicit none, logical done.

bucky weaving
September 2005 – Posters for art festival 'Close Encounters', The Hague (NL).