December 2013 – Series of invitations for gallery Plaatsmaken, Arnhem (NL).

Immigrant Languages in the United Kingdom
October 2010 – Our contribution to the exhibition 'The Modern Art of Conversation' as a part of the Design Event in Newcastle upon Tyne. It shows the languages spoken in the northeast of England. In collaboration with Nina Bender (intern) .

announcement card for Mingus
October 2010 – Birth announcement for Mingus.

systematics poster 2
September 2010 – Poster for Systemantics, Bureau for Informatics. Each QR Code links to detailed information on the website. In collaboration with Nina Bender (intern) .
September 2010 – Magazine 'Catch me if you can' on the occasion of the NPOX10 FESTIVAL organised by NPO, Hilversum (NL).

birth announcement 04
June 2010 – for Johanna
June 2010 – Redesign of all charts and data visualizations for the financial newspaper Les Echos, Paris (FR).
May 2010 – Invitation for the 'Make me proud' exhibition of Wayne Horse at Museum Jan Cunen, Oss (NL).

The Dirty Truth about Plug-In Hybrids
April 2010 – Map showing sustainable energy in the 13 electric power grid regions of the U.S. for Scientific American, New York (US).

Narco-networks in The Americas
April 2010 – Map and charts on drug-trafficking routes in The Americas for Americas Quarterly, New York (US).

March 2010 – Visualisation of gravity fields on earth drawn in CMYK on a pen plotter.
March 2010 – Data visualizations for Architect Magazine, Washington D.C. (US).

The Income Implosion: cover
March 2010 – Cover for Architect Magazine, Washington D.C. (US). In collaboration with Eva Thiessies (photography) .
January 2010 – Relief prints made with a D.I.Y. structured-light 3D-scanner.
January 2010 – Series of invitations for gallery Plaatsmaken, Arnhem (NL).