mental map
May 2014 – Infographic and illustration for the CAT (Carbon Added Tax) walls at the International Architecture Biennale Rotterdam 2014 consisting of about 9000 preprinted stickers in three different colors.

blotter drawing
September 2011 – 20 bots drawing one image - silkscreened in 2 colors in a print run of 20.

August 2009 – Visualisaton of sound levels for Sarah van Sonsbeeck. Big dots (darker areas) represent silence as measured by Sarah on site 2F7 in Almere. In collaboration with Sarah van Sonsbeeck (concept, project) , Eva van Diggelen (curator) .
May 2007 – Mapping a talkshow with Aaron Koblin, Wilfried Houjebek and Catalogtree on 03-09-2007 as part of the Info Aesthetics Symposium organized by LUST, The Hague (NL).
July 2002 – Mental Map of the Werkplaats Typografie. The form is shaped automatically by a basic set of rules.

June 2000 – Mental Map of Wigger Bierma and his relation to about 200 different typographers of the last 400 years (according to himself).