September 2018 – 'The Audition' is a self-initiated series of RISO-printed booklets, each focussing on one aspect of our work. The first issue is dedicated to our fascination for cartography.
June 2017 – Annual report for DutchCulture, centre for international cooperation, Amsterdam (NL) visualising all cultural activities of dutch artists around the globe in 2016. All activities are sorted by country, city and discipline.
October 2016 – Book Design for Nicholas de Monchaux's book ‘Local Code: 3,659 Proposals About Data, Design, and the Nature of Cities’ published by Princeton Architectural Press. The book's data-driven layout arranges drawings of 3,659 digitally-tailored interventions for vacant public land in San Francisco, Los Angeles, New York City, and Venice (IT).

Grind the Gap poster
October 2016 – Poster design for ‘Grind the Gap’, an ongoing project at Plaatsmaken in Arnhem, NL.
June 2016 – Logotype, identity and ephemera for the exhibition ‘Parelgoud’ on the occasion of 30 years of Plaatsmaken at the Museum Arnhem (NL).
June 2016 – Annual report for DutchCulture, centre for international cooperation, Amsterdam (NL) visualising all 14,470 cultural activities of dutch artists around the globe in 2015. All activities are sorted by country, city and discipline.
May 2016 – Series of invitations for gallery Plaatsmaken, Arnhem (NL)
April 2016 – Contribution for ‘ExtraPlaats’ a collaboration of Plaatsmaken (silkscreen printing) and Knust / Extrapool (stencilprint). Since both type and image were forbidden for this assignment, we constructed a typeface which is used to encode images as autostereograms.
July 2015 – Series of invitations for gallery Plaatsmaken, Arnhem (NL)
May 2014 – Invitation for the exhibition 'Nine Muses' at gallery Plaatsmaken, Arnhem (NL).
December 2013 – Series of invitations for gallery Plaatsmaken, Arnhem (NL).

Daniels Faculty Events 2012-13
October 2012 – Poster announcement for the 2012-2013 Public Lecture Series at the John H. Daniels Faculty of Architecture, Landscape and Design at the University of Toronto (CA). In collaboration with robstolk (printing) .
September 2012 – For Plaatsmaken's temporal gallery during Biennale Gelderland at the Museum of Modern Arts in Arnhem all items of the (former) Museum Shop are wrapped in paper with an offset iris print.
May 2012 – Policy plan for art gallery Plaatsmaken, Arnhem (NL). Due to the split fountain printing technique each folder becomes unique.
May 2012 – Invitation for the exhibition of Maartje Folkeringa's works at Museum Jan Cunen, Oss (NL).

Plaatsmaken verhuist
May 2012 – Moving announcement and invitation poster for gallery Plaatsmaken, Arnhem (NL).

systemantics poster
December 2011 – Poster for Systemantics, Bureau for Informatics. All projects are categorized and chronologically arranged on an archimedean spiral.

Tussen de Regels
November 2011 – Poster announcing a lecture of Gerard Unger and Hansje van Halem organized by O.P.A. (Ontwerp Platform Arnhem). In collaboration with Bernd Volmer (intern) .
July 2011 – Data mining and visualization for SICA, Amsterdam (NL). Who are the most traveling dutch artists in 2010 and where did they go?

systematics poster 2
September 2010 – Poster for Systemantics, Bureau for Informatics. Each QR Code links to detailed information on the website. In collaboration with Nina Bender (intern) .
January 2010 – Series of invitations for gallery Plaatsmaken, Arnhem (NL).

Slag voor Arnhem
September 2008 – 'Slag voor Arnhem' poster for gallery Plaatsmaken, Arnhem (NL). In collaboration with Thijs Gadiot .