pen plotter
June 2017 – Book Design, text analysis, machine monologues and maps for ‘Dit Is Nu’ (‘This is Now’), an ongoing project of Jantine Wijnja.
October 2013 – Contribution to the 'Verboden Landschap' festival by stichting G.A.N.G.: Visualization of the subterranean structures at former military airfield in Delen.

Sun & Moon
May 2013 – Periods of sun and moonlight for all days of 2013 (pen plot).
March 2013 – Series of four plotted posters about Tarawa which is part of the island nation Kiribati. With an maximum altitude of about 3 meters above sea level this could be the first nation which inhabitants have to be relocated in the next 50 years due to rising sea levels and pollution of drinking water.
September 2010 – Magazine 'Catch me if you can' on the occasion of the NPOX10 FESTIVAL organised by NPO, Hilversum (NL).

March 2010 – Visualisation of gravity fields on earth drawn in CMYK on a pen plotter.

November 2008 – Standard kilogram (surface deviation multiplied 1.000.000 times) drawn in CMYK on a pen plotter.