The Metabolism of Albania

March 2016 – The book clusters the results of an intensive trajectory of data research and analysis, field trips, mapping, presentations and lectures, and research by design, supervised by 51N4E and iabr/UP and with essential input from the Chair of Landscape Architecture of Delft University of Technology, the PBL Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency, and the design office .FABRIC, in close collaboration with the National Territorial Planning Agency of Albania (AKPT) and many other Albanian partners.

ADCN yearbook 2016

January 2016 – Cover and divider photos for ADCN 2016 awards catalog.  In collaboration with Esmée Jelijs (hand model) .

Kunst op je kamer

December 2015 – Printed matter for Kunst op je kamer, a project by gallery Plaatsmaken, Arnhem (NL) where children can buy art. All artworks are exclusively made for the exhibition and used the theme 'refugees' as a starting point. An accompanying  colouring book works also as the catalogue of the exhibition and contains short texts by the artists in four languages: Dutch, English, French and Arabic.  In collaboration with Esmée Jelijs (intern) , Sue (colouring) .