Money & Speed: Inside the Black Box

January 2011 – Together with Marije Meerman from VPRO Tegenlicht we developed a TouchDoc app for the iPad. Using interviews and infographics the documentary delivers insight into the automated financial world. Related features which are offered during the film enables the user to get more into detail.

The project originates from a masterclass at the Sandberg Institute, Amsterdam (NL) in 2010. In collaboration with Marije Meerman (scenario & direction) , Lutz Issler (programming) , Jorn van Dijk (programming) , Nina Bender (intern) .

The Next Normal

January 2011 – Data illustrations for Architect Magazine, Washington D.C. (US). In collaboration with Nina Bender (intern) .

Catch me if you can

September 2010 – Magazine 'Catch me if you can' on the occasion of the NPOX10 FESTIVAL organised by NPO, Hilversum (NL). All charts were drawn by a pen plotter. In collaboration with Marieke Hermans (project manager NPOX) , dr. Sjoerd F. Pennekamp (research) , Aynouk Tan (interviews) , Mylou Oord @ dutch photo collective (photography) , Djoemila Viegen (editor) , robstolk, Amsterdam (print) .